Page 6 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 6
第一單元:為愛,我們可以在一起 06
核心概念:1-1 選擇與承諾 1-3 認識雙方國家文化與習俗
Unit 1: We can be together for love 46
Life Stage: Prelude + Preparations before coming to Taiwan
Core concepts: 1-1 Choice and commitment, 1-3 Understanding each other's national
culture and customs
第二單元:我並不孤單 10
核心概念:1-2-1 權利與義務 4-1-1 社區資源
Unit 2: I'm not alone 50
Life Stage: Marriage + Adaptation in Taiwan
Core concepts: 1-2-1 Rights and responsibilities, 4-1-1 Community resources
第三單元:尊重差異,相知更相惜 14
核心概念:1-2 認識彼此與適應 3-3 雙方姻親相處與調適
Unit 3: Respecting differences, and getting to know and cherish each other 54
Life Stage: Marriage and adapting life in Taiwan
Core concepts: 1-2 Understanding each other and adapting the life, 3-3 Interaction and
adjustment between both families
第四單元:祝好孕 18
核心概念:1-2-1 權利與義務 4-1-2 了解法律與規範
Unit 4: Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy 58
Life Stage: Pregnancy and childbirth (preparing for pregnancy)
Key Concepts: 1-2-1 Rights and responsibilities, 4-1-2 Understanding laws and regula-
第五單元:孕鬱 22
核心概念:2-1 夫妻關係的經營 2-2 夫妻溝通技巧 2-3 夫妻衝突與關係修復
Unit 5: Antenatal depression 62
Life Stage: Pregnancy and childbirth (early pregnancy)
Key Concepts: 2-1 Nurturing marital relationship, 2-2 Effective spousal communication
skills, 2-3 Managing marital conflicts and mending fences