Page 7 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 7
第六單元:真不好受 26
核心概念:1-3 認識雙方國家文化與習俗 3-3 雙方姻親相處與調適 4-1-1 社區資源
Unit 6: Big challenges 66
Life Stage: Pregnancy and childbirth (Later stage of pregnancy and childbirth)
Core concepts: 1-3 Understanding the culture and customs in each other's countries,
3-3 Managing and adapting relationships with the in-laws, 4-1-1 Utilizing community
第七單元:你好,我好,大家好 30
核心概念:3-1 共親職教育 3-2 管教孩子的技巧 4-1-3 家務分工
Unit 7: You're good. I'm good. Everyone's good. 70
Life Stage: Parenting (Early Childhood)
Core concepts: 3-1 Co-parenting education, 3-2 Parenting techniques, 4-1-3 Division of household
第八單元:孩子升小學,父母共同陪 34
核心概念:3-1 共親職教育 3-2 管教孩子的技巧 4-1-1 社區資源 4-1-3 家務分工
Unit 8: When children start school, parents keep each other company 74
Life Stage: Parenting (when your child starts school)
Core concepts: 3-1 Co-parenting education, 3-2 Parenting skills, 4-1-1 Community
resources, 4-1-3 Division of household chores
第九單元:走出「家門」的勇氣 38
核心概念:4-1 工作與家庭 4-1-2 了解相關法律規範 4-1-3 家務分工 4-1-4 家庭財
Unit 9: Having the courage to step outside the comfort zone 78
Life Stage: Work and social engagement
Core concepts: 4-1 Work and family 4-1-2 Understanding laws and regulations 4-1-3
Division of household chores 4-1-4 Family financial planning
第十單元:有愛的地方就是家 42
核心概念:1-3 認識雙方國家文化與習俗 3-3 雙方姻親相處與調適
Unit 10: Home is where the heart is. 82
Life Stage: Integration and commitment
Core concepts: 1-3 Understanding the culture and customs of both countries 3-3
Managing and adapting to relationships with in-laws