Page 86 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 86
Scene 2: Joyful family gathering
Ru Xiang, and Hong Lai arrived at Jiao Niang's house. As
soon as they opened the door they saw Jiao Niang's
father-in-law holding a birthday cake. "Happy birthday!" Jiao
Niang's friends and family had all arranged a birthday celebration for
her. Everyone had made loads of international dishes to celebrate.
Although Jiao Niang was married far away in Taiwan, she was deeply
touched by everyone's love and care. She wanted to let her parents back
home in Indonesia know what they done for her so she made a video call.
With tears of joy, she spoke with her parents. Jun Rong, his parents, and the
rest of the family also took turns talking on the video call, reassuring Jiao
Niang's parents. In a heartfelt moment, Jiao Niang said goodbye to her
parents on the video call, filled with a sense of longing.
Jiao Niang then thanked everyone from the bottom of her heart. They
continued to enjoy the delicious food together while Jun Rong played
Indonesian songs. Jiao Niang sang and danced together, and her
father-in-law, mother-in-law, Ru Xiang, Hong Lai, and other
family members clapped their hands and joined in the singing.
It was a lovely day where the beauty and goodness of
cross-cultural interactions flourished within this
multicultural family.