Page 82 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 82
Scene 2: Utilizing diverse
channels and resources
Ru Xiang was finished work one day and went to a Vietnam-
ese restaurant for dinner. She spotted Jiao Niang there, engrossed
on her phone. Jiao Niang didn't even notice Ru Xiang initially. After
exchanging greetings, Ru Xiang learns that Jiao Niang was searching for
a job on an online job portal but couldn't find a suitable one, which left her
feeling a bit discouraged. Jiao Niang shared her frustrations with Ru Xiang.
Ru Xiang informed her that there are many government resources available to
assist with finding work, such as employment service offices in various
counties and cities, as well as employment service stations in different
districts which offer specialized employment services for new immigrants. In
addition to job search consultations and matching services, they also provide
subsidized vocational training programs. If Jiao Niang is interested in starting
her own business, there are training courses available to help.
Ru Xiang also shared her experience. She mentioned that her husband used
to disregard her desire to work, and she struggled to find a solution on
her own. It was hard dealing with that by herself. However, through
communication and gradual adjustments, they eventually reached
a point of balance. Ru Xiang advised Jiao Niang to commu-
nicate openly with her family and not keep her
thoughts and concerns to herself.
Scene 3: Partner's support and facing
challenges together
A message popped up on Jun Rong's phone that evening. Jun Rong
excitedly shares the news with Jiao Niang that he had received a notifica-
tion from his company about a suitable position for Jiao Niang. She could
apply if she wished, but he respected Jiao Niang's desire to pursue the job
she wanted. Jiao Niang thanked him for keeping her in mind but that she had
already enrolled in a government employment training program. She also
expressed her concerns about balancing her household responsibilities.
Jun Rong immediately offered to share the household chores. The
couple smiled at each other, feeling supported and happy for
each other.