Page 50 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 50

Act 3: Inviting a friend to greet them up at the airport

                 After confirming the date of Jiao Niang's arrival in Taiwan, Jun Rong tidies
               up the room and gives it a festive touch. His parents remind him of certain
               things he needs to prepare and arrange for the ancestral worship. It occurs to
               Jun Rong that his colleague Jian Ming mentioned that his wife is also a new
               immigrant. He thinks it would be nice to invite 46 Jian Ming's wife to join them
               when picking up Jiao Niang. When Jian Ming hears about the invitation, he jumps
               at the chance and mentions his wife works as an interpreter for new immigrants.
               When hearing that Jun Rong plans to take a bus to the airport, Jian Ming
                generously offers to drive them and suggests visiting a night market after-
                  ward. He wants Jiao Niang to experience Taiwan's famous treats.

                                      Act 4: At the airport

                    As couple Ru Xiang and Jian Ming, as well as Jun Rong wait in the
                  airport's arrival area, they eagerly anticipate Jiao Niang's arrival. When
                 they see Jiao Niang appearing in her impeccable attire, Ru Xiang reminisc-
                es about her own experience when she first arrived in Taiwan during winter.
               She wore a beautiful dress but was shivering when she left the airport, experi-
               encing firsthand the difference in climate between Taiwan and her home country.
               After leaving the airport, the group takes Jiao Niang to visit the night market as
               planned. After enjoying dinner, Ru Xiang and Jian Ming accompany Jiao Niang
               and Jun Rong back home. Before parting ways, Ru Xiang tells Jiao Niang that she
               is welcome to reach out to her anytime if she need any help in Taiwan. On the
               way home, Ru Xiang tells Jian Ming that now that she has a stable life and can
               feel the fruit 26 of her labors, she feels a strong desire to support and accom-
                pany her “sisters” from overseas who have recently arrived in Taiwan. She
                 invites Jian Ming to join her to help others lead a happy life in Taiwan as
                   they have.

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