Page 54 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 54

Scene 2: Seeking medical help

                 A few days later, Jun Rong returns from his business trip and notices
               medicine belonging to Jiao Niang. He asks her how she managed to see a
               doctor by herself. Jiao Niang explains that she used the instant online translation
               service on the 1990 hotline. The doctor was able to assess her symptoms and
               gave her an appointment. She is also excited to share with her husband that she
               has decided to learn Chinese through the free resources available online, and
               there are training courses to learn useful employment skills that would be
               beneficial for their future. After hearing Jiao Niang's story, Jun Rong feels very
                proud of her. He assures her that he will help her adapt to life in Taiwan.

                                 Scene 3: Resources and support

                   Jun Rong and Jiao Niang are enjoying lunch together. Jiao Niang
                  shares her involvement in the New Immigrant Care Center in the commu-
                nity. She tells him that sisters from different countries often gather at the
               center for activities and events. She has not only made new friends and
               expanded her social circle, but also gained access to valuable information on
               family welfare resources and growth-oriented programs. Through media resourc-
               es and community networks, Jiao Niang has been able to better adapt to life in
               Taiwan. This has helped her reduce the challenges and anxieties she initially
               faced after arriving. She feels she has found her place and sense of belonging
                in this new life.

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