Page 57 - 新住民家庭婚姻教育教材研編計畫動畫說明手冊_中印
P. 57
Unit 3: Respecting differences, and getting
to know and cherish each other
Scene 1: Ancestral worship and feeling homesick
Today is a day of ancestral worship at home. Jiao Niang attentively listens
to the instructions of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, while busy helping
with the preparations. But she feels anxious because she doesn't completely
understand Chinese. Luckily, Jun Rong notices Jiao Niang's situation and helps with
the preparations, easing her worries a little. In the evening, Jiao Niang walks to the
courtyard and sits on the long bench by the front door, gazing at the bright moon.
With the sounds of insects and birds in the background, she notices a lonely cat
huddled under a streetlight. Thoughts of her family overwhelm her, and tears
uncontrollably stream down her face. Inside, Jun Rong, who was about to close the
windows, notices Jiao Niang crying. He thinks that she might be still unfamiliar
with Taiwanese customs and feeling homesick. Determined to help his wife
adapt to life in Taiwan, Jun Rong reminds himself he has a big part to play.
Scene 2: Hidden gems on the street
The next morning, Jiao Niang is walking towards the market, recalling the tasks
assigned by her mother-in-law. She wonders why there are so many rituals. As she's
walking she runs into Ru Xiang. She notices Jiao Niang looks a bit tired. Ru Xiang
recalls the challenges she faced when she first arrived in Taiwan and thinks Jiao
Niang might be going through something similar. With this in mind, she takes Jiao
Niang to a Vietnamese restaurant run by a friend, Hong Lai, for a chat.